Summer Season 2019 – Pool Safety Tips

The month of May is here, and that means that the kick off to summer in Rancho Sahuarita is right around the corner. With all the events, activities and fun in the sun that comes with the season, it’s important to remember to be safe, especially around water.

Here are some summer quick pool safety tips, provided by local fire protection and emergency service provider in Rancho Sahuarita, Rural Metro Fire.

Pool Safety

While around the pool, assign someone to be a water watcher. The water watcher will pay close attention to the pool and not be distracted by other activities. Have a phone nearby the pool to dial 911 in case of an emergency. Allow children a break during swimming activities, as they can become tired and then be in danger while in the pool.

Remember that there is no excuse for not watching children in the pool. Don’t assume that someone else is watching them; make sure to always watch the water.

Practice the ABC’s of Water Safety:

  • Adult Supervision- Never let a child swim alone or be near water unattended
  • Barriers- Fences around pools should have self-closing, self-locking gates that will keep a child from accessing the pool without supervision.
  • Classes- Swim Classes for anyone who does not know how to swim and CPR classes for every adult.
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